The Lyricon I (patented) introduces to electronic music the prime dimension….expression. It is the only totally expressive electronic wind instrument ever conceived or developed. The Lyricon I is totally electronic, employing the most advanced techniques in solid state design. In one superbly crafted instrument, the Lyricon I blends the nuances of expression characteristic of acoustic instruments with the vibrant dynamics of the synthesizer.
The Lyricon I is truly a new musical instrument… capable of sounds and expression unobtainable with any other musical instrument. By adding harmonics, (similar to the drawbars of an organ) sophisticated ans subtle timbres can be realized… all controllable by a familiar combination of wind and lip pressure. Some of the unusual features of the Lyricon I are: a six octave range, continuously-tunable pitch control, perfect intonation, lightning-swift key action, an instant ‘transposing” control, and many more.
Lyricon II is an exciting musical instrument that unites the unparalleled control of the Lyricon I with the colorful sound dynamics of the synthesizer. Lyricon II is a complete system consisting of the Lyricon body (controller) and a specially designed two oscillator synthesizer contained in a combination console/carrying case.
The Lyricon II body (controller) generates three control signals: one from lip motion, a second from changes in wind preasure and attack, and a third from changes in finger position. (Since Lyricon II is totally electronic, no pitch to voltage converters are required.) All three signals are used simultaneously to control sounds available from the synthesizer console. The Lyricon II synthesizer contains two “rock stable” voltage-controlled oscillators, a special voltage-controlled filter, a low frequency oscillator, and an accessory patch section.
Unique to the Lyricon II player is the ability to augment or diminish two-note chords by embouchure alone – making variable two-note chord progressions possible. Filter effects may be controlled simultaneously with either wind pressure/attack or lip motion. The accessory patch connector will accommodate additional synthesizer modules expanding Lyricon II to unlimited capability
The Wind Synthesizer Driver is designed to control any synthesizer however modest or complex it might be.
Unlike synthesizer keyboards, the Driver allows you the same subtleties of musical expression and style afforded by acoustic musical instruments. This degree of musical expression and control is virtually impossible to duplicate with keyboard synthesizers regardless of the number of foot-pedals, attachments or special patches incorporated.
The instrument body (controller) of the Wind Synthesizer Driver resembles a soprano saxophone both in appearance and fingering. Three control signals are generated by the controller: the first from lip motion, the second from changes in wind pressure and wind attack; and the third from changes in finger position. The Wind Synthesizer Driver Console modifies the three control signals so as to be compatible with conventional keyboard synthesizers and provides output jacks and switching for patching purposes.
With just a simple patch to a synthesizer of limited capability, the musician with the Wind Synthesizer Driver is able to create a sensitive and expressive musical performance at a level equal to his or her talent and imagination.